Easy movie & filn making tips & ideas for beginners


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and images from magazines, fashion articles and put your photo amongst them.
* Write down possible characters, locations, circumstances and action on your notepad.
* Arrange the and rearrange them, add and take some away until it make some kind of sense.
* Think about your narrative , or story. Everything has a beginning, a middle and an end.
* Think about the form of the film. Is it for the Internet, a music promo, a drama or animation ?
* What style is it ? Film noir, a video diary, a documentary. May be you`ve got your own style. Will the camera be on tripod, or handheld?
* Watch other films like yours on video, DVD or TV. Learn from the things they do well and avoid the things they do badly.

* Believe in your ideas absolutely, because if you don`t then no one will.

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