Dreamweaver CS5 and Photoshop CS5 Tutorial: How to Make a Navigation Bar!

© Copyright Of PureCreativeDesigns 2011. This Tutorial shows you how to create a Navigation Bar for your website using photoshop and then importing it into dreamweaver cs5! If you need any help then please do personal message me! Thanks and follow me on twitter @PCreateDesigns. Please Subscribe!
I get many questions from comments and messages on various sites. So I’m going to use videos to answer some of the most common ones. This one is about what I do professionally. I’m NOT a stuntman or performer of any kind. I’m an animator. I’ve be animating since I was 12 years old. I started in the video game industry after finishing college in 2004. The tricks and stunts I do are for fun during nights and weekends. Currently, I’m working on MONDAY NIGHT COMBAT at Uber Entertainment. It is a small team of veteran video game developers. I’m responsible for the animation and rigging related parts of the game. My tricks and stunts definitely influence my work and vice versa. Sometimes the animation is based on moves I can do. Sometimes I’d try out a new move that I want to animate specifically. Sometimes I’d try out an animation in real life, just for fun. Monday Night Combat is currently announced as a Xbox Live Arcade DOWNLOADABLE game. For more info about my work and the game, visit our website: www.uberent.com