Don’t Feed Nocturne — In-Depth Champion Information (League of Legends)

Nocturne was a good champion, very much an assassin though I did build him a few times to survive in melee range (frozen mallet, though I know a few people prefer atmogs on him). I really didn’t know much about him or his potency prior to doing these games. Great jungler, one of the better ones I’ve played, and very strong early ganking potential. He really punishes people who overextend in their lanes. My build for these games generally all started with Wriggle’s Lantern and boots, and usually had Bloodthirster early. I used Ghostblade a few games as well, but generally went for Bloodthirster first. If I was getting away with kills without survivability or was significantly ahead of them I’d go for more damage items; if not, a phage at the very least for some more survivability. A couple games I was totally locked out by teams that stayed very, very tightly grouped and used their CC’s the moment I got in. As far as Don’t Feed, I’ve yet to make a decision. I think I’ve had requests for more than half of the champions I haven’t done yet, so that doesn’t make it easier. People seem more interested in understanding hard carries, assassins, and ap casters, so I may do a few more of them before doing another tank or support. The release timing will be 2-3 days between DFs right now while I’ve got company at my house, but it looks like I’m going to be able to keep releasing them w/o much of a problem. ——— Play League of Legends (it’s free!):

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