Does anyone have Dragon Naturally Speaking Essentials? Why the Big Mystery about it?

Question by Chase S: Does anyone have Dragon Naturally Speaking Essentials? Why the Big Mystery about it?
The other day i was in Target and i was looking to see if there was any Movie to PSP converter like i saw in Best Buy awhile back. But i saw a speech recognition software. It was in a purple box and said Dragon something on it. I got home and looked into it, i didnt even know this kind of technology existed, or maybe i never much thought of it.Either way i looked into it and the things these guys claim to be able to do, like writing documents and browsing on the web, and even writing things like this right now that im writing could be done with your words. But i saw the Standard Version the Preferred Version and the Professional Version. The Version i saw at the store cost $ 40-$ 50 These Versions i see advertised in Ebay and Amazon at least are like $ 70 for the 10 Standard Version. I saw advertisements for Version 9 Essentials but i cant find anything about Version 10 Essentials, no Reviews of it or anything. I looked to target and the Dragon Naturally Speaking site. Their sites hardly acknowledge its existence. I also dont remember it saying Essentials anywhere on the box at Target. So what im wondering is a few questions

Is there a Naturally Speaking Essentials 10?

What does it NOT do that the Standard Edition 10 Does do?

Would the Essentials kit (9 or 10) be enough to do simple things like Writing Word Documents, Email, and Surfing the Web? (I dont need the Wireless capability or the other document forms like Excel, Powerpoint and such.

There was one little letter from someone to some review site i did see, they had a email from the customer service rep from the Dragon Naturallyspeaking people and they said that the Essentials package is a Target exclusive item. I saw a similar thing when i was looking at Rosetta Stone Software there was a Regular Version and then a Homeschool Version of the same software but the homeschool Version was for much less.
Why do Software companies do this? And i mean why do they make one cheaper version and then one more expensive version? I know why they bury it but i dont get why do it in the First place.
Any help on my questions would be appreciated!
Oh i forgot to mention that i didnt extensively read the back of the software at Target, i assume the item there was the Essentials kit because every picture ive seen of the Version 9 Essentials is Purple. I notice a trend they keep the same colors. Because Version 9 of the Standard Version is a orange color and so is Version 10’s Standard Version. The Same with the Preferred Version and the Green scheme they have.

Best answer:

Answer by Mochi
You can do all that and possibly better if you are running Vista.

Vista’s tool is called Windows Speech Recognition Macros.

It is a wonderful tool, check it out.

Windows Speech Recognition Macros.

The reason they make a more expensive version is because they make the product better, and all the time and work spent on making a better software version needs to be paid for.

Some companies make a minor adjustment and charge A LOT more just for the profit.

So it all depends on the type of company.

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