does anybody know where i can get stuff such as speakers or fake guns for a movie i am making?

Question by Village idiot reborn: does anybody know where i can get stuff such as speakers or fake guns for a movie i am making?
any sites?

Best answer:

Answer by the_round_peg
Be budget-conscious: Try to borrow props from friends and relatives.

You can recruit a friend and family member as the “prop guy.” You can give her a fancy title like “production designer” or whatever. Then, give her a list to tell her what props you’ll need for the shoot, and let her take care of it. That means you should do some pre-production to find out what props you will need in order to make that list. Be sure to check with her regularly to make sure she’s doing her job and doing it right.

Since she’ll most likely be working for free, treat her nice, feed her (i.e., first rule of film production: feed your crew,) and be sure to give her credit.

Have fun.

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