Discover How To Master The Wing Chun Wooden Dummy


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weeks. It was incredible. I had plenty of war wounds, namely bruises on my shins and elbows, but the increase in ability was worth it. The first time you kick this thing full power, you’re gonna squeal like a little karate girl. The shin bone has no meat on it. But it gets tough, quick. You can strike much harder than you can a human in practice. Just imagine how much power you can generate in your back, shoulders and triceps…fearsome stuff.

It was also a nice change of pace from the same old kung fu training DVDs I have been watching before. Don’t get me wrong, those things are great and got me to where I am today. But, after a while, it is good to step it up a notch and try new things. It worked for me. I started looking forward to training more and more each day, even with some of the self-inflicted beatings I was taking.

Another technique

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