Did the movie The Changeling make anyone else over-protective of their kids?

Question by Byakuya: Did the movie The Changeling make anyone else over-protective of their kids?
I watched The Changeling the other day and since then I can’t stop worrying about my son. We just got back from the grocery store and I made him hold my hand the entire time. Normally I would have just let him walk on his own, but I didn’t want to let go of his hand this time. I just can’t stop thinking about the scene with the bad guy hacking up the kids and the kids screaming. 🙁 Did the movie have that effect on any other parents?

Best answer:

Answer by mollzk5
I just watched it today and I now I have this ache in the pit of my stomach! As if Im not worried about my kids enough the way it is then I go and watch this movie!! lol

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