DermTV – Home Remedy for Sunburnt and Irritated Skin [DermTV.Com Epi #015]

Spend the weekend outdoors and wake up on Monday to find yourself with a nasty, stinging sunburn? Or have you found yourself with a skin irritation caused by a brush with Poison Ivy or something else? Milk to the rescue! Let Dr. Schultz explain how to use this household item to sooth any skin irritation. Transcript: A really great home remedy for irritated skin like sunburn or poison ivy is milk and water compresses. It’s very simple. Put equal amounts of milk and water in a bowl, room temperature, take a smooth material like a T-shirt or handkerchief, put it in the liquid, wring it out half-way and apply it to the irritated skin for about 5 or 10 minutes. The evaporation of the liquid causes a cooling sensation, makes your skin feel better, and the protein in the milk buffers the irritated skin and goes a long way toward making it feel better. And by the way, use skim milk, not whole milk, because the fat in whole milk doesn’t help, it’s just the protein in the skim milk, and you’ll find relief every time. Like Us On Facebook Follow On Twitter: [ABOUT DERMTV] Everyone can have beautiful, healthy, and younger looking skin, and DermTV, the Internet’s daily skincare video show, will demonstrate how by revealing expert tips and techniques and by providing real solutions for real skincare issues. Skincare (whether cosmetic or medical) previously required a trip to your dermatologist or a shopping spree at the pharmacy. And that’s if you
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Welcome to Viewer Questions Week for June 2012. In this episode, Dr. Schultz answers questions from the following YouTube viewers – @CuteBunny999, @kimsan16, @ShoOoShoOo1986, @geetapatil27, @anazeeya, and @moygo2 – concerning the following topics – milk of magnesia and acne, moisturizers and sunscreens, fractional lasers and stretch marks, hair removal creams, combination skin, razors for calluses, and more! Connect with DermTV Everyone can have beautiful, healthy, and younger looking skin, and DermTV, the Internet’s daily skincare video show, will demonstrate how by revealing expert tips and techniques and by providing real solutions for real skincare issues. Skincare (whether cosmetic or medical) previously required a trip to your dermatologist or a shopping spree at the pharmacy. And that’s if you have a trusted nearby dermatologist or a local informed pharmacy. But not anymore. We at DermTV are committed to making best-in-class dermatology and skincare guidance accessible to everyone, anytime, at your computer. Every weekday, our host, Dr. Neal Schultz, one of New York’s most trusted and respected dermatologists (see bio below), teaches skincare’s most timely and timeless issues. Topics include: the best at home techniques and new technology for facial rejuvenation, preventing and fixing sun damage from wrinkles to skin cancer, breaking news in dermatology, general skincare topics, and more.

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