correctly fitting contact lenses??

Question by evadukes: correctly fitting contact lenses??
I’m looking for contact lenses, but I’m having trouble finding ones that match my script exact. IE: my script is -5.25 PWR. 8.7 BC. 14.2 DIA. 1.00 CYL.180 AXIS.. but the closest I can find to that is… 8.6 BC. 14 DIA. 0.75 or 1.25 CYL in astigmatic lenses is it safe to change to this or should I just stick to non astigmatic lenses which i can get in 8.7/14.2. I know I should really go to options but they always manage to sell me stuff I can’t afford and the internet are half the price.

Best answer:

Answer by horsekdarby
i know that they are cheaper online, but you need to see. I have contacts and they always cost more when i buy them from my eye doctor, but i am happy with them. I look stupid in glasses so i would pay anything for contacts. Have you talked with an eye doctor about cheap lenses?

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