Computer Training : How to Make a Flowchart on Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word can be used to make flowcharts by clicking on the “Insert” tab, selecting the “Shapes” button and choosing the flowchart option. Discover ways to drop processes into a flowchart with help from a software developer in this free video on Microsoft Word.
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Most of these programs were written when i was just a little kvee :), they are simple, yet they were important for me, as this is how i learned what i know today. Nowadays i don’t use qbasic anymore, i do most of my work / testing in C#. But let’s talk about the programs now. 01: first one is some kind of screensaver-ish program, it just moves an pointer in random fashion, increasing the color value of the pixel with every cycle. Using only qbasic’s functions, i didn’t know there were things like direct VRAM access… 02: my attempt at encryption :)), it just uses some basic logic functions, but i had no idea back then. I was even converting the number to binary by dividing, so the demonstration in the video would take about forever to encrypt. Later i realized i better leave creating those algorithms for the cryptologists and moved on 🙂 03: a very simple, almost text-mode 2d game engine. I really liked (and still like) the playstation game series “Syphon Filter”… so i decided to make a PC version :)… What an idea… Well, it ended up like this, I could not believe I got the map editor working back then and that the whole thing actually worked 🙂 04: another graphic program… I was at the lake and thought the sun reflecting in the water was really nice to look at… When i got back home, I wrote a quick piece of code to simulate that effect and it looked better than I expected… 05: one day, I thought i’d make a fun of somebody by making him believe I am actually

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