Commitment as a Key to Closing Business

Ever been told it’s not you, it’s me? Host Kevin Gaither talks to Craig James, founder of Sales Solutions, about why our sales prospects won’t commit and what we can ask for to ensure our prospects are engaged. In our mission to give you tips, tactics, and techniques that you can put into action right now, we talk about the benefits of gaining commitment from prospects and exactly how to develop commitment over the length of the sale rather than just at the end. 00:00 Cold Open 00:45 Craig’s nightmare sales situation 02:15 Craig’s sales experience 04:30 Why is it important to gain commitment from your prospects? 05:45 Craig explains what kind of commitments we can ask of prospects 06:30 Asking for introductions as a commitment ask from a prospect 07:00 Talking about the benefits of thinking commitment 08:30 Commitment gets you a higher quality pipeline 09:30 Why do prospects have a hard time making a commitment? 11:15 What do we do as sales professionals to focus on gaining commitment from prospects? 13:15 How does this approach apply to strategic selling? 14:45 The power of walking away 15:15 How many touches until I walk away from a qualified lead? 16:45 Would you ever reach out above your contact’s head after a lull in communication? 17:45 Is 6-8 calls too much? 19:15 It’s okay to kick a lead out of your pipeline! 20:15 What can we do to make it easy for prospects to commit? 21:45 Early commitment can provide transparency to objections late in the game 22:45 Asking
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Tourettes need not be a bad thing in fact it can actually be a good way of stopping yourself feeling depressed. Making noises clicks or other ticks is a defence mechanism of the brain and actually in some cultures having tourettes could be an advantage. In ancient civilizations mantras were the norm that made you feel good and also stimulated the mind. Being different is not so bad either. Who wants to be like everyone else??? People that follow like sheep are are yes men and women are boring. That is what makes the difference between leaders and followers. I have never followed trends and never been into things simply cause it was or is cool to do so. In fact I was into Abba when everyone else was into crap Techno Junk and Grunge. Being an individual is not always an easy experience though. Bullies that want you to follow their trend can get nasty as they hate anyone to challenge their authority or status. Beth told me that at her College if she spoke out with good quality comments in the group that others would get jealous. One girl is an angry little twat that thinks she has had a worse life than anyone else and wants everyone to feel sorry for her. We are not talking 7 year olds here but grown adults. I find it pathetic!!!! Autism and Aspergers normally comes with other disorders such as Tourettes, bipolar and ADD or ADHD. Unlike what thick people assume Autism is not curable and is ingrained in the brain. ADD or ADHD can be medicated against. Autism can’t be

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