Christmas Origami Instructions: Snowflake (Dennis Walker)

Recommended paper size: Hexagon with a side length of 10cm (approx. 4in) Resulting model: Hexagon with a side length of 5cm (approx. 2in) This video describes how to fold the origami snowflake designed by Dennis Walker. Dennis kindly gave me permission to make this video accessible to you. Dennis’ website: More origami:
Video Rating: 4 / 5

^^^^^^^^ (hit more info) My first After Effects tutorial! You can probably expect some more in the future. Today is just a simple tutorial, I’ll do some more advanced things another time. The sin city effect is basically the effect where everything is in grayscale (black and white) excpet for one or more color of your choice. This is actually called selective coloring, but due to its popularity it is called the sin city effect (although I have also heard people call it the “Pleasentville Effect” and the “Tivo Transpo Effect”) There are many other effects people call the sin city effect, such as the effect similair to the one we learn today. Basically the effect some people call the “sin city effect” is the effect where everything is black and white excpet for the reflections of light. I will do a tutorial on that another time….. Like the videos? Why not subscribe! Subscribing will notify you anytime I make a new tutorial. All my tutorials are in HD, and are easy to follow and have zooming in for beginners. You can also support tis video by rating it, commenting on it, and favoriting it! Check out the channel for TONS of tutorials! Please DO NOT message me asking me how to get After Effects for free. I also have a website, check it out and register on my forum!

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