China, Australia Form New Co-Prod Organization

China, Australia Form New Co-Prod Organization
Pip Bulbeck Australian filmmakers aiming to capitalize on a three-year-old co-production treaty with China have formed the Australian China Screen Alliance as a subsidiary of the Screen Producers Association of Australia to speed and smooth interaction with the fastest-growing film market in the world. read more
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Netflix Continues To Save the Movie Industry, So Why Do Studios Continue To Hate It?
It’s always slightly flattering when a ten billion dollar company tweaks its business model just to please me. Well, ok, that’s a slight exaggeration: not just to please me, but to please me and the other writers at TechCrunch. I’m referring of course to Netflix’s decision to offer a streaming-only subscription package; the first time they’ve allowed members to view movies online without also …
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Baja’s Atlantis: Tijuana offers unexpected historic treasures
And welcome to the search for the Tijuana of the ’20s and ’30s – the city that was Las Vegas before Vegas was Vegas, the city that some Tijuanenses pine for and others treat like incriminating evidence. This bygone Tijuana lives on in tattered postcards and historical-society monographs, its casinos paying off in American silver dollars, its horse-track bettors forever tempted by the prospect of …
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