Camp Rock Quiz! Take this quiz and find out if you really know the Movie!?

Question by Sgrocs: Camp Rock Quiz! Take this quiz and find out if you really know the Movie!?
Take this quiz and find out if you are true camp rocker!

1.Spell Calculater backwards.
2.Make out with your pillow. Then tell me if it was a good kisser.
3.Claim your self as an FBI agent to someone in your house ( if you are alone say it to an object. )and then tell me it’s responce.
4.Is “Jane” a name?
5. When the writters of camp rock held Auditions for the Movie they suprised them with the name Camp Rock. What was the name they used before? ( Hint: This was in Camp Rock Pop-up eddition. )

It doesn’t matter what this will prove! Just Answer the Brownie goodness Question!

Best answer:

Answer by **muzik*l0v3*h@pp!n3zz**
1. retaluclac
2. it was an excelent kisser 😉
3. i told it to my stuff animal and it just keep on staring at me… weird.
4. i think so..
5. umm Camp Rock?
aww dang it i think i failed!!!

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