Cambodian men, women, and children are trafficked for sexual and labor exploitation in Thailand, Malaysia, Macao, and Taiwan. Women are trafficked for sexual exploitation and forced labor in factories or as domestic servants. Children are trafficked for sexual exploitation and forced labor in organized begging rings, soliciting, street vending, and flower selling. The Ministry of Social Affairs and Youth Rehabilitations found that 76 percent of trafficked persons returned from Thailand had come from families who owned land, 93 percent owned their own house and had no debt on the land or house, and 47 percent stated that their mother was the facilitator of their trafficking. YOU CAN’T CLOSE IT DOWN BECAUSE the brothels are operated under and with the support of the government. If there was really action taken place they would have closed it down long ago. The duty of the Cambodia law enforcement are nothing more than thugs, dept collector etc…their education and professional are nothing but CORRUPTION. Officials in Cambodia mainly made of high school or at least finished 3rd grade in running Cambodia. Their new culture are AMERICAN dollars. They have no decision making, developing skills, new ideas etc…just a few clowns short of a circus.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Release Date: 13 Nov 08 Genre: Fantasy | Romance Cast:Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson Director: Catherine Hardwicke Writers: Novel: Stephenie Meyer Screenplay: Melissa Rosenberg Studio: Summit Entertainment Plot: Based on the best-selling novel by Stephenie Meyer, Twilight focuses on two young lovers, swept away by destiny, who destroy the delicate balance between the hunter and the hunted with dangerous consequences. Subscribe Now:

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