Business marketing question?

Question by Joe Tommy: Business marketing question?
I am building a business social network site, like Linkedin, but with more features and a focus on creating a more realistic experience. I currently have a script which is completed and works great. I also have a dedicated hosting account for the website. How am I supposed to get the first few people registered and going on my site? I mean, you need people on your site to begin with in order for other people to signup. If there is no one on my site, no one will want to use it. Am I supposed to create fake accounts myself? Do I get family and friends to create accounts? How do social networking sites get their first few users? My company, which buys and sells websites for profit, is planning to eventually sell this site once it becomes established. Please help me.

Best answer:

Answer by Amen W
How much longer to launch date?

hmmm… Hate to ask this.. don’t you have a marketing department?

You really need to get the word out, any advertising campaign that’s currently running?


Best advice would be.

Try getting in forums that’s related to what you’re trying to sell. Spread the word.
Forums usually have friendly people who are more than willing to help.

Try writing proposals to businesses out there that might be interested. Offer them something.

Heck, have offers up, maybe a free membership for the first few ***

Really really need to get the word out.

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