Burn DVD To Play In TV DVD Player

How to burn a DVD from a video camera (mini DVD) to be able to play it back both on a computer, and on a regular TV DVD player. This is the quick method I found that got the job done. [NEW UPDATED VIDEO] www.youtube.com More PC-Addicts: Subscribe! www.youtube.com Youtube Channel youtube.com Follow us on Twitter twitter.com Find us on Facebook www.facebook.com Chat LIVE with other PC-Addicts members pcatr.im Check out our websites pc-addicts.com – PC-Addicts website http – Greatshark IRC pcatr.im – FREE PC-Addicts URL Trimming Service – Burn DVD To Play In TV DVD Player burn burning dvd video pc-addicts tips tricks hacks computer tech technology “computer tips & tricks” tips tricks tech hacks live support chat

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