Building a super spy bug transmitter Many thanks to talkingelectronics.In this video we are showing you how to make a very small home made FM transmitter Bug using a single transistor and with a transmission range of 200 meters. This FM transmitter Bug is very easy to build. The size of the circuit board is ONLY 22mm x 10mm. I design the circuit board layout using Pain shop pro X2 ,it takes me 4 hours to get the design right ,i want a very small PCB. To make the PCB i will be using the toner transfer method and Ferric Chloride. Parts used Home made PCB 2n3904 transistor 4.7p ceramic capacitor 1n ceramic capacitor 22n axial ceramic capacitor 1 – 5p to 30p air trimmer 360R resistor 4.7K resistor 10mm Mic 35cm antenna Battery Plug Some solder 19mm heatshrink Total cost just 90p.
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