Botchamania 166

If wrestling is a DVD then this video is the unskippable advert before the menu, it’s Botchamania 166: Magical Trevor Murdoch! Made this one REALLY quickly to pump one out before Wrestlemania that wasn’t Wrestlemania. Havne’t checked it properly, but if there’s any serious issues will sort them out and upload it onto MaffewOwnsYT. The endings were made by myself, docpepperclassic, Daftnik and of course The Fizz. Please note if you are making endings and uploading them onto YouTube, please leave a few seconds at the end blank as they get cut off them when I download them, as you can sort of see/hear during the Blitz ending. And oh shit no CZW 🙁 Will see you guys later after MEDIOCREBUILDUPAMANIA! Music list… STUFF

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