Bollywood debutant gets Hollywood chance with Dev Patel

Diary of the Dead
making of a movie
Image by Roscoe Van Damme (In Memory of Maureen)
This movie was bearable at best, a lot better than the other crap I’ve seen George Romer write and direct. It would have been better though for two big reason.

The way this movie is shot is completely dumb. They did this "first person" sort of thing. Every camera angle and such is from two hand held cameras which these kids had while shooting a low-budget movie. Seriously, who the hell is going to be worried about filming anything when you’re running for your life? They tried to make this movie seem like a documentry, which is unique, but stupid nontheless.

The second, the characters are nothing more than simple minded morons (and no, I don’t mean the zombies). If this were real life, I definitely would not want to be with those people.

It’s understandable though, Romero wrote this movie and directed it. To me he’s in the list with M. Night Shymalan; dill-holes who shouldn’t be making movies.

Bollywood debutant gets Hollywood chance with Dev Patel
Even before making her debut in Bollywood, model-turned-actress Tena Desae got the chance to act in John Madden’s Hollywood film ‘The Best Exotic Marigold’ opposite ‘Slumdog Millionaire’ actor Dev Patel.
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