Bolivar Soy Yo (10/10)

Bolivar I Am: Santiago Miranda portrays Simon Bolivar on a soap opera about the love affairs of the great general. When he finds too many discrepancies between the scripts and reality, he storms off the show, vowing to rewrite the remaining episodes to more accurately reflect history. Somewhere along the line, he also begins to believe that he may actually be an incarnation of Bolivar himself, and decides that he must attempt to complete Bolivar’s dreams of creating a unified state of five Latin American countries in order to correct 160 years of war. Santiago Miranda es un actor de telenovelas que se obsesiona con el papel que representa, el de Simón Bolívar. Al final, termina creyéndose su personaje y en desacuerdo con el libreto, abandona el set de rodaje y rapta al presidente. Colombia 2002

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