Big Rig Trucker Episode 2 : Accidents And Ambitions

First I would like to thank you for watching this video “Big Rig Trucker episode :2” it means a lot to me. The video was captured about two months ago, I should have produced this earlier but got sick and lost my drive. I will work hard to produce this on a much more regular basis. This episode captures one h3ll of a trip that Sean Sutherland and I had across I 90/ I 94. It was really trying for the both of us, Sean had a sever ear infection that started to bleed, I was at the time getting over a cold myself. During the trip I had multiple tire failures and breakdowns, coupled with the many near accidents we where able to avoid lets just say we where happy to see the trip completed at the end. However, I learned a lot along the way, even with the bad I would do it all over again!! Some of you might have noticed I have been gone for a while now. I have been studying film production, spending most of my day studying actually and happy to do it, I am very excited about the art of visual story telling. Adobe cs3 has a lot of tools and I have a lot to learn, I promise you this tho my videos are going to get a lot better over the next year or so. I want to thank all of you for being here with me and caring even if the videos where not that great. It has never really been a “dream” of mine to make a documentary about trucking(silly huh, as I do it in these videos). I personally think that the films about the trucking industry are complete bullshit. Seeing as I am a DRIVER with
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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