best movie maker program?

Question by myblueheaven29: best movie maker program?
okay, I’m entering a contest with my friend and it requires making a video. i was wondering what is the best FREE video editor. yes, i have windows movie maker but I know theirs better programs then that. so if you know any good movie maker programs tell me 🙂

Best answer:

Answer by J J
you want it free… goood luck… but since you are working on windows (not good) you can use a simple stupid program known as Sony Vegas. or go to the mac store…oops never mind. you have a PC. piece of crap.

ALSO, if you listen to Purple the Whatever who is right as well yet doesn’t know how to read a question properly, you would come to understand that AVID costs $ $ $ $ which is why I didn’t advise you on it. I personally despise Vegas but you can find free copies. And Mac’s can give you problems time to time because they are computers nonetheless but it is nowhere near as bad as Window’s software that takes you into places you shouldn’t be. The guys below me have the best answer. Good Luck!

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