Backyard Ballistic Testing

An overview of the ammo testing process that was deployed during my first year on TNOUTDOORS9. Hopefully, this will answer some questions regarding the testing format and protocol moving forward. The recipe and process for making the ballistic test jugs is included below in the description. With regard to your own testing, if you do not have access to a safe, spacious location for target shooting, please do not try this. Managed ranges certainly are not the place. There are tons of resources online to properly research your ammo selection. My tests are not definitive, only a representation, and possibly a basis for comparison. Folks usually perform extensive research when buying a TV, computer, car, house firearm, etc.. Why would you forego fully researching an ammunition selection that might be needed to safe your life? Pursue all available resources; ammo company web sites, videos, photos, gun forums, and law enforcement tests. MAKING THE BALLISTIC TEST JUGS Setup 5 half-empty one gallon jugs. Using a single 4-page section of newspaper, start stuffing into the jug one page/section at a time. If you roll it lengthwise, it goes faster and easier. I do not use ad slicks or heavy newsprint. I use a blunt stick or something similar to push the paper all the way down, compressing during the entire process to give a good pack and eliminate air bubbles. Be certain to fill any water gaps that are likely to occur near where the handle is molded into the jug. Add water as needed
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