AudioCopy from InstantDrummer, DopplerPad & VOX 3000 iOS Apps into FourTrack and More

Taking the Copy/Paste features available in the Apple iPhone software to a new level, Sonoma Wire Works has developed AudioCopy and AudioPaste functionality for the iPhone, and shared with other developers who are interested in making mobile audio tools work together. Currently there are 38 apps that support AudioCopy and/or AudioPaste: AudioCopy and AudioPaste has been updated since this video was made. See NEW features below. AudioCopy and Paste Features: * Record audio using any AudioCopy compatible app. * Open the AudioCopy Song Tool within the compatible app. * Preview and Copy Audio. The audio data captured includes tempo info, file format info, the name of the app copied from, duration, and more. * Select an app to Paste to from the “Compatible Apps List”. If owned, the app will launch, and pasting can be done using that app’s AudioPaste Tool. If not owned, you’ll be taken to the store to purchase first, then you’ll be able to paste. * Clipboard will keep your data until you paste it into your purchased app, or until you copy other audio. * AudioPaste Clipboard will display the info captured, and allow you to choose how many loops to paste. * Some apps that support AudioPaste, including FourTrack, allow you to paste within a particular position in your song. * NEW: Apps that support AudioCopy 1.1 now include a pasteboard history of up to 12 items with audio previews! * NEW: Apps that support AudioCopy 1.1 now include support for Apple’s
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