Ask A Ninja – Where Have I Been? /w Alex Albrecht

Get The MP3: Credits: Alex Lindsey: Alex Albrecht David Furr: Special thanks: Will Minton and Brian Armstrong 1. MMichaelBennett “YOU’RE ALL WRONG! He’s been hiding in my mothers wardrobe trying on all her outfits. Cross-dresser ninja.” 2. Phoenixashe “and He spent millions of years in a deep sleep after killing all the dinos (it wasnt a Meteor after all!)” 3. RichardDDragon “in the mountains, battling a colossal, three-headed turducken” 4. dethomit “Hiding in the gills of the brazilian river trout waiting to ambush his next target.” 5. Grizzlysgrowls “Mexican prison, with a cellmate named “Bubba.” 6. riderkidDA “…new haven CT?” 7. aggieblues “has the ninja been training new ninjas? But none have been able to complete his program b/c of a 30 headed dragon?” 8. VertexEspada “killing people of course :D” 9. loyaleagle “I’d guess you’ve been hiding in the 314159265th decimal position of Pi” 10. ladyninja “been ninja-napped being forced to compete in a all out ninja competition to decided who is the top and most deadliest ninja” 11. JackSquatJB “Have you been hiding in the new Mortal Kombat game?” 12. squeekymisa “have you been to Kill-a-con? 13. dcedilotte “I think you’ve been hiding in a Good Knights Quest.” 14. thestickman91 “Behind you” 15. dpersee “he’s been teaching Ninyoga on weekends while fighting against robot pirate dragons in his free time as a waiter on TGI fridays” 16. bishopkm “Inside a tiger, teaching her

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