Are you a fan of the “Saw” series? What did you think of “Saw 3D”?

Question by Snele: Are you a fan of the “Saw” series? What did you think of “Saw 3D”?
I just got to watch the newest Saw movie …
Unfortunately I have say that it was somewhat disappointing.
I don’t know why that is really.

The special effects were bad to say the least, especially the blood … since humans don’t bleed pink.
The next thing that caught my eye as bad was the makeup … oh the horrible make up. You could actually see how fake everything on the people was. Then come the dummies and the flying body parts which they didn’t even try to hide! I swear, some of those things looked like they were made out of ballistics jell. The over all effects of the movie were really bad, maybe the worst out of all the movies yet, but I guess the budget was slow since they were making it 3D (A very lame attempt at it too) and on top of that they had plenty of actors to pay … more than in the previous movies I would say, loads more.

When it comes to acting … it was … mediocre. Some people were good, some people were really bad, especially the wife of the main victim. God she was annoying!

HOWEVER, the storyline of the movie was good and followed what happened in previous parts to the T. Granted it can always be better and they should always try to outdo the previous movie. The movie had an awesome twist at the end (which I won’t talk about so I don’t spoil it for anyone). The end made a whole difference to me and it was the only thing that really made me like the movie.

In my opinion though the first three Saw movies were enough and they should have left it at that.

So tell me, what do you think about the movie?

Best answer:

Answer by Flip
Not for all the gore, but it has a semi-interesting storyline. With that, though, the series is unbelievably overhyped. No, I haven’t seen Saw 3D.

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