Are we looking for life on other planets the wrong way?

Question by titaniclover05: Are we looking for life on other planets the wrong way?
I mean everytime I hear about when scientists look at a planet they look for oxygen and water the basics that life needs on earth but that’s just it they aren’t looking at earth. Wouldn’t it make more since to look for life that has evolved and don’t need the basics. Even in movies and video games the other lifeforms breath whatever is in they’re planet’s atmosphere not earths. So why does scientist look for the basics when looking for life on other planets? Is it because they already know about life out there and the government is covering it up?

Best answer:

Answer by Chuck K
Oh please, don’t start believing in that government cover-up conspiracy stuff. The fact is, scientists are not sure what life needs in order to exist. We do know for certain that life can exist in a nitrogen/oxygen based atmosphere and H2O. But even on Earth we are finding organisms that can survive very harsh conditions, even with a lack of oxygen and water. Many scientists believe we may find life on Saturn’s moon Titan, which is a methane-rich world. But the point is, we are still learning where life can survive and under what conditions. Also, keep in mind that we don’t have the technology yet to really search for life outside of our solar system. The best we can do is find planets that have the conditions we know for certain can harbor life…planets similar to Earth.

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