Appointment Setting Sales Scripts ? Get Your Foot In The Door Today


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Appointment Setting Sales Scripts ? Get Your Foot In The Door Today

There are sales scripts that get people to commit on the phone and scripts that get you “face time”.  On larger investments it is often necessary to get an appointment with your prospects.  You might be selling software projects, business solutions, or even real estate.   In many industries the more people you get in front of the great your net income.

With so many demands on people’s schedules it can be tough to get an appointment.  Some prospects can just feel that you are going to ask them for a meeting and will drop clues like “it’s the end of the quarter” or “our budget isn’t done” and any number of other excuses.  Most people feel a meeting is going to be a sales pitch.  Appointment setting scripts should carefully set the stage on at least the three following items.

Reveal that it is in their benefit to meet with you
Be easy to


agree to
Have a definite time frame ahead

Most appointment setting scripts fail because they are too vague and give your prospect plenty of room to reject you.  Take for example a common script like the following:

“Sounds like this might work for you, when would you like to meet?”

Many sales professionals and business owners consider this to be courteous.  The reality is that this question will result in you facing rejection 8 out of 10 times.  With an open ended question like the above the prospect now is thinking about EVERYTHING they have to do BESIDES meeting with you.  They are thinking about the other tasks they have at work, picking up the dry cleaning, picking up the kids from school, etc.  The question is too friendly!

Instead of a question that is open ended consider a question that provides a can’t lose scenario for you and makes it


easy for the prospect to decide when (not IF) to meet with you.  You could change the original question to:

“Sounds like this might work for you, would Tuesday at 4pm work better or maybe Thursday at 10am?”

By providing your prospect with two times you have now got them out of deciding IF they will meet with you to WHEN they will meet with you.  No longer do they have to think about everything else they have to do, they just have to look up two times on their calendar to see what works.  Even if neither time works out they will suggest a better time!

Discover more appointment setting sales scripts to use for your business.  Get more appointments and get more sales by diving in to my free 5 day video powered course on –~~~~~~~~~~~~–

href=””>Questions that Sell.

Todd Bates is a national Marketing and Business coach. Through his programs, such as Todd Bates Systems, he shares innovative systems to help businesses owners and sales professionals dramatically grow their sales.

His systems cover a broad base from sales conversion to marketing on a budget. The strategies that he shares have enabled him to net over 1 million dollars a year since the age of 24.


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