Anyone else tired of Hollyweird’s tactics of making movies w/o originality and their shock & awe strategy?

Question by Patriotic Man: Anyone else tired of Hollyweird’s tactics of making movies w/o originality and their shock & awe strategy?
I’m so fed up with hollyweird and their lack of originality and decency with “NEW MOVIES”, or whatever crap thay want to pass off as artistic creativity and originality.

Remember the gold old days when movie making required talent, a creative, yet intelligent and original script, not based solely on sex, drugs, killing ,explatives or bashing you over the head with their left wing politics?

Kids today are going to grow up without little if any concept of what quality movies used to be about. I used to enjoy going to see a feel good movie, such as ET or Splash, etc. And I haven’t even broached the subject of the cost of going to see this regurgitated crap and sitting behind people who talk on their cell phones or text endlessly.

We need to send Hollyweird a message and not go out and see these crappy and offensive movies and maybe one day quality will be restored on screen and we can get back to a time when originality and integrity mattered, both on screen and in life.
“Fletch”, if you want to go and drink the dirty brown kool-aid, you go right ahead.

Best answer:

Answer by Kikki
that is SO true

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