Amway, Is it the greatest con game since the shell game?


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and when one joined. While the attorney general of each state was inevitably called into the picture to review the size of the “Levels”, there were often 12. We had the two founders and their first officers who branched out from their homes. The company needed a home office and distribution, so those individuals were at the top level, or, seen clearer, at the bottom of the “Pyramid.”

All companies that sell products, have to either make the products [requiring raw materials and packaging materials] or buy them from wholesalers.

These products thus have a cost to make and the Amway Company needs a specific margin to pay for their operating expenses and to provide a profit. This is what all companies need to stay in business.

Presuming for sake of discussion, that a box of soap [this author met a “middle level” Representative when he was asked

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