am i acting too old for my age?

Question by Miranda <3: am i acting too old for my age?
i’m fifteen and my friends say that i’m no fun to be around because i “practically act like a college student”

first off i have been freelancing for a few local newspapers, mainly editorials and i got one music article published. i’ve also started an online graphic design project where i’ve been making album artwork for bands.

i watch movies pretty much obsessively and the weekend they come out… all of them… not just the ones that interest me (i pay a yearly fee and get into movies for free). i am really into music and my ipod tends to pretty much consume my life.

I really dislike texting but i lovelovelove calling people on the phone and person-to-person confrontation. I also like instant messaging and various blogging and social networking sites, e.g. twitter, myspace, blogspot, livejournal, flickr, tumblr, stumbleupon.

i’m also really into fashion… actual fashion not the stupid trendy stuff they sell at the mall. i try to always look runway ready… but i make my own clothes instead of buying them because clothes are EXPENSIVE. and i’m really into interior design.

and i am extremely obsessed with making my PC as much like a Mac as possible. i’m constantly downloading new open source software to make it cooler.

and i love to read. but teen fiction bores me. i’ve been reading a lot of Chuck Palahniuk (writer of fight club, choke, rant, invisible monsters) and i’ve been reading a lot of comic books (but not like marvel or superhero stuff.)

am i acting too old for my age?
i do have a huge social life… actually.

i said that i prefer person-to-person confrontation to texting. hmph.

and i actually am one of the more popular people at my high school, I’m not exactly part of the “in-crowd” but that’s mainly because i dislike the people.
how am i being a show off? i’m seriously bummed that people think that i’m “too mature” to hang out with my own age group anymore.
i don’t think i’m mature at all, it must be my friends… they are just into totally different stuff than i am. they are into youtube celebrities, colorful skinny jeans from hot topic, twilight, and “scene” music.
no i didn’t thumbs down you.

Best answer:

Answer by Spongeluv11
You sound really mature, but not old
You actually sound really cool 😛

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