Absolutely (Story of a Girl) – Winry Rockbell

UPDATE!!: You can now download the subtitle-less version of this here: www.animemusicvideos.org I didn’t really change much, but I fixed the timing. So I’m happy. I guess. That website is SCARY to upload things too ._.; DISCLAIMER: I do not own Fullmetal Alchemist or this song. My very first amv. It was a lot of fun making it. It’s themed around Winry but it does have some angst from Ed and Al… just a bit. Cause I can. Windows Movie Maker rea-lly hated me somewhere near the middle of this amv, and I was having trouble finding pictures of Winry crying.. that’s why near the end I use the same scene from different angles xx Sorry for the subtitles. Thanks Fnick for picking out the song and making me post it on youtube. 06/25/08 – 100 favs? wow
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