a few questions about the terminator movie series?

Question by drasilite: a few questions about the terminator movie series?
a few things i want to know….
is the only reason all this stuff happens is because the terminator went back to the past to kill sarah? since they find the chip and his arm.isn’t that how it all started? because of the arm and chip being found?

secondly-(this conflicts with my first question) in the third movie, the T-101 says that john and sarah postponed judgment day, and that it will happen no matter what. does that mean dyson dying, destroying the chip and arm, and pretty much the whole 2nd movie were pointless. (aside from stopping the t-1000) and don’t get me wrong, i thought T2 was awesome, it just makes me think.

and third- how did sarah OFFICIALLY die, and if there are many different ways tell me what they are. i’ve heard leukemia, something about her dying in 2005, and something about her still being alive. if there are any other ways or time she died please let me know.

Btw i don’t know anything about the sarah conner chronicles so if you would, fill me in.

oh and terminator salvation was pretty cool.

Best answer:

Answer by Mark_Sutcliffe
First of all there’s any number of theories on how time travel would work one of which is its a loop (or fate). So if you look at T1, that would be the case since John created his own existence by sending his father back to protect his mother from the terminator who ultimately creates Skynet. This loop idea avoid things like the Grandfather paradox.

Bring T2 into the picture and they “change” the future supposedly. Which negates the loop idea. There’s no real solid explanation (if you ask me) for this happening.

T3 further complicates things as you said, by arguing that Judgment Day is inevitable. One could argue that it brings us back to the loop idea.

Finally the TV makes things all crazy. They argue there are multiple (potentially infinite) futures. People are constantly coming and going from them making time an ever shifting thing.

According to T3 Sarah dies of cancer in 1997 (leukemia).
According to the TV show she supposed to die 1995 (cancer) but by-passed that by time traveling and is therefore alive.

I also enjoyed Salvation.

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