A Dedication – to my number one actor

Hope you enjoy this. The comedy value may not be so much in the lyrics, but my failed attempt at rapping. Yes, I’m white … this video should confirm that. Now, you can all stop asking me to make my own rap video. Here’s the mp3, for those crazy people that actually want to listen to this more than once: www.megaupload.com This is dedicated to my #1 actor … Canopringles. I lost him for a week. LOL Big thanks to Zwowdy for the vocals and acting., you did a good job, and fortunatly put up with me for a week. She’s single, so feel free to hit on her guys! This is also my first video using Vegas Movie Maker, so if it seems a little raw, it’s because I’ve owned this program all of two days. Hopefully I’ll get a little better with it as I go. Here’s the lyrics: Yeah… this right here Goes out, to everyone, that’s ever lost their best actor cause he got his butt muted. Check it out Seems like yesterday we were actn yo I cut the vids and ran most the show But talking for yous now a big no-go Looks like youre spendin a week with No Chat The mods have made you a giant clam Words cant be said on my hypercam Now that youre muted my vids arein trouble Cause now you talkin through a white chat bubble In the future can’t wait to see If theyll open up the chat for thee And well vid sometime That night they took your voice Cause you said words of sailors choice This is weird tryina communicate Sayin hey by pressin GH-8 I hope this quieted time will pass whoever muted you can kiss my
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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