A complete action movie?

Question by Zoran: A complete action movie?
Is someone EVER, in like all of the history of movie-making, made a 90-minute film that has in it just explosions, shooting, dying, violence and pretty much nothing else? And I mean – from start ’till finish, just explosion after explosion, guns firing the whole time, with really small amount of dialog time…I’m talkin’ about an hour and a half of ONLY fighting scenes or visual effects heavy, over the top action?
I’m truly disappointed with how some films are marketed as “action” flicks, while in reality they contain like 2-3 explosions(or one big), one kick in the nuts, some fired bullet here and there, and pretty much nothing else except saying stupid phrases like: “You’re gonna pay!!”, “I’ll be back!”, or: “Yi-Pee -Kay-Aye-Mother***ker!…
Is it possible that nobody ever made a movie that’s actually just pure 90-minute-non-stop-action, like in some first-person shooter video game? You know what I mean.
No, I’m not 10, I’m actually 20 years old. And I’m not saying the movie shouldn’t have any story, I say it should be a very small amount of actual talking in it.

Best answer:

Answer by PrettyKitty
That would get annoying after a while, lol.

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