Q&A: Would you be afraid if a studio wanted to make your book a movie?

Question by Niao Niao ಠ⌣ಠ: Would you be afraid if a studio wanted to make your book a movie?
Some authors have actually refused to let directors touch their stories because they’ve seen how awfully some books can translate into a movie.

What about you? Would the book you’re writing have a terrible transition into a movie?

Conversely, what book-to-movie has actually become a beautiful work of art in its own right? I know “Let the Right One In” has recently been a huge huge success.

Oh no! Imagine the executive meddling that will go into THAT. You’d be lucky if your name even gets squeezed into the last second of the credits!

Best answer:

Answer by ๑۩۞۩๑ ∂αxтεя ℓσcкε ๑۩۞۩๑
Yes. I would be very afraid.


Because my idea isn’t even a book yet xD

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