8 Bit Portal – Still Alive

*UPDATE* It took some digging, but here’s the original midi: rapidshare.com ***** I can’t remember what filter I ran it through to get the famicom sounds, but you could probably find a converter on google. The one I used was japanese. If you use this in anything, please drop me a line at pissinguoff247@hotmail.com –END OF LINE Transposed “still alive” into a midi by hand (It’s what I do when I’m bored.) Coverted to 8 bit sounds Drew up a nifty nintendo startup animation in MS-Paint, and then combined the images into a movie with Windows Movie Maker. It’s 1989, Valve Software has just released their latest title for the NES – Portal. *No, you can’t actually play it. It’s just eye candy to go with the music. ***UPDATE AGAIN — this is the converter i used. www.geocities.co.jp
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