500k Giveaway!

The giveaway is over! The winners have been chosen – www.youtube.com 500k subscribers means it’s time for another RANDOM ROCK GIVEAWAY! Click to tweet! bit.ly If you’re new to this, check out our previous giveaways: www.youtube.com www.youtube.com — RULES! 1. Go to facebook.com and click “Like” – this will let you post an image to the gallery. 2. (optional) Check out and subscribe to our Facebook app apps.facebook.com 3. Create an image with me in it – you can use Photoshop, MS Paint, GIMP, or take a photo of a drawing! I don’t care! It must be a funny/awesome image! GIMP is free – you can download it at gimp.org You can also get a free fully-featured 30 day trial of Photoshop by downloading it at http 4. Upload the image to our Facebook page by making a Wall post and attaching the image! 5. You must get your image in by 12:00 midnight PST, Sept. 18th (ie 11:59 PM, Sept. 17th). PLEASE don’t submit the same thing multiple times, and PLEASE don’t submit more than three pictures – be reasonable! I’ll pick winners and message them on Facebook and make a winner/prize video on youtube.com by the end of the month! This isn’t really a “contest” in the legal sense of the term – it’s just a way for me to give back to some of my subscribers, and hopefully everybody has some fun doing it! If you have any questions, email them to me at 500k (at) freddiew.com — FACEBOOK facebook.com TWITTER twitter.com

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