3 Sales Script Tips Learned from Major League Baseball Pitchers


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3 Sales Script Tips Learned from Major League Baseball Pitchers

Baseball, America’s pastime is a sport watched by millions annually.  Kids from their earliest moments learn how to throw a ball.  Players are revered for their abilities to hit smashing homeruns and throwing the ball over 95 mph.  This sport, which is loved by so many can also help those in sales.


The economy runs on sales.  Sales professionals across the country sell everything from plastic pens to million dollar machines.  While I don’t anticipate a league being created and millions of people watching entrepreneurs and sales professionals compete there are a few sales tips that can be applied to a career that major league pitchers have down cold.


It may not seem obvious as you watch the game of Baseball; however, I invite you to consider the following sales script tips to use on your next phone call.

Don’t tip


your hand – A pitcher is careful to hide his hand so as not to reveal his pitch.  The more he keeps the batter guessing the better his odds are to get out of the inning unscathed.  Don’t make your sales scripts too obvious.  Don’t load your questions that would make the prospect feel dumb not to agree with you.  Subtly transform your sales scripts into interest piquing questions and you will keep your prospects guessing and eager for more.
Don’t always go for the strikeout – Even in a perfect game there usually aren’t 27 strikeouts.  Pace your calls and take what the prospect gives you.  Some might give you longer answers other give you shorter answers.  You can’t try to knock them all out with the same pitch.  Be mindful of your prospects by changing your tone and carefully asking the questions that will meet their needs.
Watch your pitch count – A major league


pitcher is often pulled out of the game when they have pitched over 100 pitches in a game.  The same could be said for the number of questions you have asked a prospect.  While it might be best to walk away long before you hit 100 questions, be mindful of how many you have asked as there is a chance even though you have more questions that prospect just isn’t going to buy. 

While you might not get paid 15 million to “win” on 22 work days you can still have massive success by applying the three tips each time you pick up the phone.  By changing your tone, taking what your prospect gives you, and carefully watching the number of questions you ask you can be on the path to doubling your sales.

 Transform your sales scripts into 67 interest piquing questions that sell.  Be on the path to doubling your sales in less than 1 week in my FREE high


powered sales script course – www.QuestionsThatSell.com

Todd Bates is a national Marketing and Business coach. Through his programs, such as Todd Bates Systems, he shares innovative systems to help businesses owners and sales professionals dramatically grow their sales.

His systems cover a broad base from sales conversion to marketing on a budget. The strategies that he shares have enabled him to net over 1 million dollars a year since the age of 24.


Article from articlesbase.com

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