16×9 – Internet Boot Camp in China: Fighting online addiction

16:9 travels to China for a shocking story of an internet boot camp that was supposed to reform online addiction – but left one boy dead. Ben O’Hara-Byrnes reports.
Video Rating: 3 / 5

Yaspresents online 3v3 tournament - Yaspresents online 3v3 Tournament: Losers Round 1: Braindeadly(KFC) vs Dakkroth(RLS)

Third series of double elimination. IntroDucing: Taku, Dakkroth, Glyptic Survival Tactics: Shawir, Braindeadly, Flubbah Commentators: Conradical & Azael Played on Blizzard’s tournament server Arena Pass with S9 gear. www.yaspresents.com

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