“10000 Subscriber” Giveaway Contest! (CLOSED)

To thank you for watching and subscribing to my videos, I’m holding a little video/picture making contest. To enter, you must: 1. Be subscribed to my channel. 2. Create a video or still image showing me being killed, injured, crushed, drowned, etc… 3. Upload it as a video response to this video, or post still images to my Facebook page here: www.facebook.com Entries are due by Monday, November 8th, 2010 at 11:59pm. Don’t have editing software? BZZZZT! Wrong. You do. You have either iMovie or Windows Movie Maker. Nice try. Video footage may be downloaded using KeepVid: keepvid.com Need some ideas on how to kill me? Try Detonation Films – they have tons of free greenscreen composite effects; explosions, gunshots, more explosions. www.detonationfilms.com Prizes may include, but are not limited to: Awesome stuff Not Awesome stuff. Go here to see one of the SECRET awesome prizes: www.threadless.com

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