咖啡戀人Café de L’amour

Story 咖啡的香郁、愛情的甜美、巴黎的浪漫相識、相戀、相愛的過程, 就如同一杯濃醇咖啡的精雕細琢, 穿越巴黎市區的浪漫, 從咖啡豆到精緻粉末, 由滾水熱燙到綿密奶泡, 這是咖啡店的老闆娘的愛情故事, 享受人生,享受愛。 Café de L’amour運用巴黎的建築樣貌來設計煮咖啡的機關,包含了兩隻木偶演出的愛情故事。在這個愛的旅程中,女孩遠渡重洋來到巴黎,首先體驗巴黎歌劇院的藝術饗宴,接著在地鐵中遇到了男孩,經過新藝術時期的地下鐵入口,兩人一同拜訪紅磨坊,到了聖心堂產生愛苗,經過拉維特公園,龐畢度,塞納河,在聖母院感情更加溫熱;繼續旅行巴黎鐵塔,羅浮宮,協和廣場,最後男孩求婚了,新人步入香榭大道,在大家的祝福下,男孩與女孩在完美的結局凱旋門許下終生。 This short film tells the love story of the owner of Café de L’amour, through a cup of a romatic coffee, a sweet love memory, and fourteen sceneries in the romantic city Paris. It is like that a sophisticated coffee making process starts from the fine coffee beans to carefully grounded powder, boiled water pouring through, and creamy foam adding on. It is a sweet love story to enjoy the life, and to love your love ones. [TSL, 2010] Café de L’amour uses the structure of Paris to design the organization of coffee machine. It contains the love story between two carved wooden figures. In this love journey, the girl who traveled to Paris experienced the art cuisine of the Opéra national de Paris, and ran into the boy when passing Art Nouveau subway entrance. They visited the Moulin Rouge together and felt in love with each other when they reach Sacré
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