【MAD】Opening Competition 2011 – July (FULL)

MAD OPENING MAKERS Competition 2011 [JULY] (Some stuffs in this description has been changed.) Making fan made openings has become quite popular and it’s really enjoyable. To make it even more entertaining and to give you more satisfaction of this “job”, we invite new and experienced MAD OPENING MAKERS to the Competition, where you can show your skill and “fight” with others for a title of the BEST MAD MAKER!!! Note: Everyone, type in “-join” so you can be registered in the list. This is really important, if you don’t type in “-join” in the comment box if you want to join, then you won’t be put in the list. General Knowledge of MAD: “MAD OPENING” is a fanmade opening of a certain anime, often to be an unofficial opening. The fan or the editor makes an opening as their hobby or to relieve stress, have fun, ETC. Basically people edit episodes, openings, and even other things with certain programs like Sony Vegas Pro, Windows Movie Maker, Adobe After Effects, Magix Movie Studio, etc. ‘MAD’ is a Japanese fanmade video that is also well known as AMV. But people can tell which one is an ‘AMV’ or a ‘MAD’. First, MAD is mostly used on Japanese fanmade Anime opening; credits, lyrics, and logos with music and Anime scenes are shown in a ‘MAD’ video. While an AMV has many more effects, things and scenes than MADs. AMVs are known as “Anime Music Video”, while MAD is an abbreviation of “Mad Anime Douga” which means Anime Music Video in English. RULES: (TAKE NOTE: Rules may change

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